driving in france made easy for britons

Easy Autoroute Toll Proccessing Tag for British Motorists

France has always been a popular destination for British holiday makers.  Easy access via ferry crossings and latterly the introduction of the channel tunnel makes the country an ideal destination for everyone and especially those that are afraid of flying.  The ability to take your own vehicle into the country with minimal fuss a huge plus and many are tempted to undertake driving holidays.  Of course this means that you are likely to encounter some French Autoroute tolls.

An inconvenience

Negotiating French Autoroute tolls can prove to be a bit of a nuisance.  First you have to scrabble about looking for the right change to throw into the collection basket.  If you don’t have the right change then you have to pay using your notes and wait for the change.  And of course the collection basket and payment booth is on the left hand side of the car; meaning you have to either lean across the passenger seat or get out of the car and run around.  This can all be avoided by the use of Télépéage.  

Past restrictions

By attaching a transponder to the windscreen of your car you can use easy access Télépéage lanes, which automatically detect your transponder and open the barrier.  Payment for the use of the toll is then automatically debited from your account.  In the past this kind of service has been difficult for British motorists to access and a French address and bank account has been required.  

Emovis Tag to the rescue

Now Emovis Tag is providing the opportunity for all British citizens to access Télépéage services.  Having to negotiate your way through a website registration process in French is a thing of the past.  You can now set up your Télépéage account with Emovis Tag, which offers English speaking support and allows your UK based bank account to be associated.  And of course there is no need to provide a French address to set your account up.

For more information on how Emovis Tag can provide you with the opportunity to experience speedy French Autoroute Tolls, contact us today on +44 (0)1423 299017. Alternatively you can contact us here.